The watermelon seed that stuck
…A story of imperfections and white lies
The biggest lie I was ever told
I think we’ve all been lied to at some point.
I mean, remember when your mom said, “Go and bring your shoes, I’m waiting”? And then poof — she’s gone! Or the classic, “Bring the money; I’ll keep it for you.” Ha! Just another debt you’ll never get back. And you didn’t dare ask for it.
But let me tell you the lie that stuck with me the most: “If you swallow a watermelon seed, a tree will grow in your tummy.” Yep, I believed it! I mean, I was just a kid, and kids believe everything. But I’ve never been fond of watermelon since because I subconsciously stressed about those pesky little things and decided eating watermelon just wasn’t worth the trouble.
It’s funny how a small lie can linger, right? And how much of an impact it can have on our lives.
And it makes me think about the bigger lies we tell ourselves, especially the one that says everything has to be perfect before we start anything.
I realized recently that I had so many goals and dreams, but I’ve never really done anything “grand” about them.
Oh yeah, I’m a planner; I’d spend months planning, making checklists, and overthinking every tiny detail. But when it finally came time to act, I always felt like nothing was good enough. I wanted everything to be perfect, and if it wasn’t, well, it wouldn’t see the light of day.
I would write pages and pages of articles, newsletters, and even novels but I always ended up scrapping them. Sometimes I would spend two months mulling over a single article before having the courage to post it. Looking back, I realize that even after two months, not much had changed. Yes, they improved, but the main idea always remained the same.
Each time I let my goals slip through the cracks because they didn’t meet my impossible standards, I wasn’t just holding back — I was failing. Not because I tried and fell short, but because I never tried at all.
So, who told you that you must wait until everything is perfect before starting that company? Who said you needed an office to become a fantastic famous fashion designer, creative artist, or brand strategist? You don’t even need the best laptop available. Who convinced you that you need every piece in place to start?
Here’s the truth: it’s not going to be perfect! Perfection is like a unicorn — everyone talks about it, but no one’s seen it. You can’t expect to know how it’ll all pan out if you never even start! Sure, you might have the most brilliant ideas, but if you keep waiting for all the answers, you’ll just be left staring at a blank page.
Recently, I learned something powerful: sometimes, God reveals His plans in layers, like a gift wrapped in multiple boxes. If you don’t peel back the first layer, you’ll never discover what’s beneath! Waiting for that perfect moment will only keep you stuck. No matter how much you shake that box, you won’t know what’s inside until you open it.
We’re like those beautifully wrapped gifts, filled with layers of beauty and surprises. You’re shaking the box, testing, wondering what’s in it, but you won’t know until you start by opening the box. If we don’t take it step by step, we risk missing the valuable insights hidden within. Maybe God wants to teach you patience as you embark on that small business journey. Perhaps He has grand plans lined up for you in a couple of years that will change everything.
One thing’s for sure: it’s not going to get better until you take action. Yes, practice makes perfect, but how can you practice if you’re still at the starting line? All that planning and prodding means nothing without action. Perfectionism and overthinking are slow killers, snuffing out dreams and leaving you stuck in neutral. Don’t let them win!
Now, I’m not even sure who told me that watermelon seed lie, but they meant well — they just didn’t want me to swallow something that could potentially cause a problem later. I get that now.
Your dreams are big and can’t be compared to watermelon seeds, and you don’t want them to flop. Yes, I get it too. You always think: “If I fail, I’ll never be able to show my face anywhere anymore.” That’s not true. The world will move on, and so will you.
I wish I could say that I had a long list of steps for you to take. I don’t. It’s simple; just START! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with starting small.
It’s time to release yourself from the lie that you need everything to be “perfect” before you take a step. You won’t magically achieve those big dreams if you’re just sitting around waiting. If you feel that nudge from God to move, then get up and go!
Let’s unwrap those layers, tackle those dreams, and start taking steps forward. You’ve got this!